About Wireless Signal Strength

Tags internet wifi

Wondering what your current wireless signal strength is? Here is a current signal chart to better explain the strength and what each sigal allows.

To check your current wireless strength you can download a wifi analyzer from the App Store or from Google Play.

dBm Description
30  Maximum signal strength, you are probably standing right next to the access point.
50 Anything down to this level can be considered excellent signal strength.
60 Good, reliable signal strength
67 A reliable connection and signal strength, such as voice over Wi-Fi and non-HD video streaming.
70 Not a strong signal.  Light browsing and email.
80 Unreliable signal strength, will not suffice for most services.
90 The chances of even connecting are very low at this level.
dB Description
>40dB SNR Excellent signal (5 bars); always associated; lightening fast.
25-40 Excellent signal (5 bars); always associated; lightening fast.
15-25 Low signal (2 bars); always associated; usually fast.
10-15 Very low signal (1 bar); mostly associated; mostly slow.
5-10 No signal; not associated; no go.
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