Popular Services

Click here to download Microsoft Office 365 for students with your Grace account.

GRA: Create new EX records for parents of matriculated students

Protect users from accessing inappropriate or malicious web content

Provide limited hardware/software support for student devices

Jenzabar student registration module

Ongoing user support of campus technology

Monitoring/Recording functionality for the Nursing program's simulation lab

Financial Value Transparency & Gainful Employment Reporting

We help the teacher ed department manage their ipads / cart. Part of that is manual and part is with an MDM solution.

Electronic door access via proximity cards

Produce ID cards for students, staff, and partners

Worship Arts Midi Lab iMac stations.

Configure campus copiers and printers, print server & Papercut app enterprise

Purchasing and tracking of software license compliance

Other forms built in various ways on our website

GRA: ECM applicatons developed for HR

Administering Google's Apps for Education