Endowment finaid awards processing
Proxess door locks controlled via smartphone app
Jenzabar admissions module
GRA: Student ambassador calling sheets
GRA: Student advising/success tracking platform
GRA: Award and analyze institutional aid awarded by Recruitment
GRA: Create new EX records for parents of matriculated students
Provide support for Net Price Calculator application
GRA: Import/export electronic prospective student leads & applications
SPOE outsourced recruitment
Jenzabar portal plug-in for admissions (application entry/AD management)
GRA: Electronic upload of AP payments for electronic delivery
GRA: Electronic upload to bank of checks issued
Integration with Tuition Management Systems hosted service
PaperCut printer accounting and management
GRA: Multiple data exports for cost analysis
GRA: export PaperCut data and charge for usage
Jenzabar general ledger module
GRA: Period, Quarterly, Annual electronic payroll info reporting to outside agencies
Jenzabar student accounts receivable module
Jenzabar accounts payable module
Communication Managment (Notepad)
Jenzabar EX Server, Client and End User setup
Applications used to report fin aid data to government agencies (EdConnect, etc.)
Jenzabar interface to Powerfaids
Provide installation support
Jenzabar personnel module
Jenzabar EX reporting tool
Jenzabar EX reporting tool
Jenzabar portal base product-framework and role permissions
Jenzabar employee module for EXi
Jenzabar portal plug-in for staff (payroll/budgeting/purchasing)
Reporting payroll numbers to outside service that files with taxing agencies
Jenzabar advising (degree audit) module
Campus post office (mailboxes) processing
Processing and presenting co-curricular activities
GRA: Identify, track and report retention of FR cohort
Processing and presenting student graduation information
Natl Student Clearinghouse: track enroll status & provide student self service
Jenzabar student registration module
Learning House-Upload competencies & registrations to Learning House Deploy instance of Moodle
Learning House-Upload courses & registrations to Learning House Moodle
Tree of Life-Upload course & student info for textbook processing
Jenzabar portal plug-in for faculty (grade entry/advising)
Jenzabar portal plug-in for students (registration/advising degree audit)
General Student Affairs activities
Track student athlete injuries & provide coaches with athlete information
Jenzabar campus safety module: vehicle registration & citations
Career Services management platform
GRA: chapel attendance tracking
GRA: Rec Center registration and reporting
Jenzabar health center module
Jenzabar residence life module
Jenzabar activities module
Jenzabar violations/sanctions module
Facilities/Event Management
GRA: export/import classroom usage into MRM
Financial Value Transparency & Gainful Employment Reporting
Enterprise Content Managment (ECM) Server, Client and End User setup
GRA: ECM applications developed for Admissions
GRA: ECM applications developed for Admissions
GRA: ECM applications developed for Health Center
GRA: ECM applicatons developed for HR
GRA: ECM applications developed for Registrar's Office
Jenzabar EX form builder generation 2 with workflows
Google form builder with output to Google sheet
Jenzabar EX form builder generation 1
Other forms built in various ways on our website
GRA: export graduate information for Raiser's edge
GRA: transfer Raisor's Edge gift transactions to G/L
Provide limited server and software support for meal plans/flex dollars application used by partner
Enhanced reporting capabilities via SQL
Watermark software for course evaluations, planning and self-study
Upload courses and registrations to Canvas LMS