My Recently Visited Services

Serves out operating system patches to network devices

Google form builder with output to Google sheet

Reporting payroll numbers to outside service that files with taxing agencies

Jenzabar EX reporting tool

Jenzabar campus safety module: vehicle registration & citations

GRA: Electronic upload of AP payments for electronic delivery

Jenzabar portal plug-in for staff (payroll/budgeting/purchasing)

Provide limited server and software support for meal plans/flex dollars application used by partner

Jenzabar student registration module

Watermark software for course evaluations, planning and self-study

Click here to download Microsoft Office 365 for students with your Grace account.

Data extraction for academic assessment tool

Configure campus copiers and printers, print server & Papercut app enterprise

Management of computers, groups, users, domains, and Security policies

Protect users from accessing inappropriate or malicious web content

Provide access to the internal Grace network from anywhere on the internet