My Recently Visited Services

Click here to download Microsoft Office 365 for students with your Grace account.

Centrally managed protection against malware

Management of computers, groups, users, domains, and Security policies

Jenzabar residence life module

Provide support for Net Price Calculator application

Jenzabar employee module for EXi

Configure campus copiers and printers, print server & Papercut app enterprise

PaperCut printer accounting and management

Various off-campus sites :Indy, Miller Field, Lamppost, Boyer, TrailHouse, etc.

Financial Value Transparency & Gainful Employment Reporting

Processing and presenting student graduation information

Integration with Tuition Management Systems hosted service

Academic teaching lab (lower level)

GRA: ECM applicatons developed for HR

Monitoring/Recording functionality for the Nursing program's simulation lab

GRA: export/import classroom usage into MRM